Research Program

By providing customerized research classes
Students can get the hang of it and become more competitive when applying for universities

Introduction to Internet of Things and Cloud Computing


Project: Introduction to Internet of Things and Cloud Computing

Project Content:
The project will introduce the mentee to both cloud computing and IoT, as these are some of the most highly researched topics in the field of engineering. Once the mentee is able to grasp the general concepts, the project will advance, and they will be tasked with identifying important literature that can assist the mentee to build upon and further refine their understanding. The project will also highlight significant challenges and limitations of the IoT and cloud computing programs.

Project Purpose:
1. To introduce the mentee to novel paradigms of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT).
2. To develop an understanding of scientific English lexicon and critically analyze high-level content.

Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering