Application Form
Please Fill The Application Form In English
1 The applicant information
2 Education experience
3 Testing experience
Have you taken the TOEFL/IELTS test and what’s your score?
Yes      No
Have you taken the SAT/A-level exam and what’s your score?
Yes      No
Have you taken the AP test?
Yes      No
4.1 Please list at least three majors that you are most interested in and explain why.
(500chars. maximum)
4.2 Have you done any activity related to the majors you are interested in? If yes, please elaborate.
(400 chars. maximum)
4.3 Please list the schools you want to attend the most in the future, and state your future plan for this goal.
(300 chars. maximum)
If you have anything else that you want to share with us, please upload it here
Upload a document (maximum 1 zip/rar file - size: 10MB):